Thursday, March 17, 2016

Madness of March

Every year millions and millions of March Madness brackets are filled out in hope that you are the one who can fill out a perfect bracket.  The odds of filling out a perfect bracket are 1 in 9.2 QUINTRILLION, to put that in perspective you are more likely to hit 8 half-court shots in a row, or flip heads on a coin 30 times in a row.  So the real question is why do so many people try to get perfect brackets when the odds are so stacked against them.  People fill out the brackets in hope they are the one that has the perfect bracket and win the money, and go down in history as being that guy that has the perfect bracket.  Even though most of the world fail at the perfect bracket challenge they still have a lot on the line because most people create their own pools and bet money along with bragging rights.  USA Today estimates that about $9.2 Billion will be bet on in this March Madness tournament alone.  So even though the odds of getting a perfect bracket are not in your favor you can still win some money out of the bracket challenge.  I am willing to bet all of the money in my bank account that none of you guys will have a perfect bracket, so good luck to you all.

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